Why The Lack Of Manifesting Prosperity Can Be A Good Thing …

This post is going to be short, sweet, and right to the point. Most people would put manifesting prosperity at the very top of their wish list.

Those same people would generally look at the lack of manifesting prosperity as a bad thing.

I beg to differ.

See, for most people, when they have a lot of money, that abundance translates into a lot of options. That increase in options often translates into a lack of focus. That lack of focus often translates into spinning your wheels, a loss of productivity, and being majorly distracted from what’s truly most important to you.

Sometimes a lack of manifesting prosperity is the best thing that could possibly happen to you …

manifesting prosperity

Sometimes, the best thing the can happen to you on your journey, for short or long periods, is to have less money available because it keeps your options limited, it keeps you focused, and it keeps you on a single track — like horses that have those blinders on their eyes so they can only look forward.

I say this from deep personal experience of witnessing what happens with a tight money supply and a wide open money supply — in my own life and the lives of many others whose journeys I have knowledge about.

Most people would argue me to the death about this. I fully expect to receive numerous comments saying I’m nuts, or this is just some sort of impractical, airy-fairy, esoteric idea.

But it’s not. It’s very practical. And VERY important.

As I’ve talked about in past posts, and as I’ll talk about again in future posts, there’s a plan for your life. You have a specific mission and life purpose. Often, to fulfill that mission and purpose, which is what you REALLY want, what your life is REALLY about, it involves having a limited supply of money — your whole life or at certain times.

That’s just The Truth, whether you like it or not, whether you wish it was different or not, and whether or not it conflicts with what many gurus and experts say about manifesting prosperity being everyone’s “birthright.”

I welcome your comments below on this as well as your shares using the buttons below or the Facebook Like, Tweet, or Google +1 buttons at the top of the post.


Rediscovery Of “Floatation Tanks”

Years ago, I used what’s called a “Flotation Tanks” or “Sensory Deprivation Tank” in New York City and Phoenix. Then I moved and tanks weren’t available to me.

I re-discovered them when a Flotation Center opened in my hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia. But then that Center moved to another city. So, since I loved the experience, I got my own tank which I owned for 3 years.

Then I moved and didn’t have a great place for the tank, so when another Flotation Center opened in my town, I traded my tank to them for access to their tanks which I now use and enjoy a lot.

The idea is if you can turn off or dramatically reduce all sensory input (sounds, images, sensations, etc.), it’s possible to have a wide variety of expansive experiences. That’s a quick summary only. See below for more detail.

While floating, I experience what could be called “deep relaxation” and “expanded states” and also a tremendous flow of creative ideas in it. It’s super cool.

Here’s a picture of the tank I used to own:

Robert Scheinfeld's sensory deprivation tank








Information On Flotation Tanks

I have the “Samadhi Classic” Tank. Lee and Glenn Perry are the owners of the company. They’ve been manufacturing tanks for 28+ years, since the very beginning with Dr. John Lilly. Here’s their website:


The Book Of Floating by Michael Hutchinson

Check Out At Amazon

Lots of additional information can be found by searching for “isolation tank,” “sensory deprivation tank,” “floatation tank,” or “flotation tank” in Google.

You can also check out these resource sites:




Welcome To My Blog …

Welcome to my blog!

This blog is a stream of consciousness reflection of communications I feel moved to share about:

  1. My journey
  2. The Teachings
  3. Things I’m doing and seeing that might be valuable or supportive to you
  4. Other personal development and spiritual development models, teachings, techniques, and strategies

Say tuned and be sure to let me know about specific topics you’d like me to chime in on.