The Real You …

Check out the video below from Alan Watts …

I’d change a few of the words, ideas and concepts shared slightly, but no matter …

To my bias, it’s incredibly beautiful and inspiring, including the musical, soundtrack from Steve Jablonsky …

I love it and hope you do too …

Enjoy … 


    New York Times bestselling author, renegade, globetrotting speaker, coach and entrepreneur. Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, please share your comments below. And, if you resonate with what I shared, please share this post with others, however you prefer to share. Thanks in advance. :)

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    5 thoughts on “The Real You …

    1. I too thought it was beautiful. But if it were me, I would make the edits slower, more in keeping with the rhythm of the images…. a little more Ken Burns is my style because I found a disconnect with the message, the music, the images and…. the sharp, quick cuts. Maybe they were there to keep me awake!
      Thank you so much, Robert. I can’t help perfecting perfection….:D

    2. Thank you for sharing this, Robert. Alan Watts was THE very beginning of my own journey to Truth. Reading one of his books in college struck me deeply, opening me up to the the Eastern/Taoist perspective, positively and directly launching me on what has been a rich, painful and ultimately rewarding journey of discovery and, now, through your teachings, to the point of standing in awe (tears of inexpressible joy), outside The Big Box, on the edge of time and space, viewing all of creation at once, Seeing the Grand Illusion through eyes of forever, never and now.
      Everything you say proves so True, is offered so freely (with the occasional tug or nudge!) and has been, for me, an unerring beacon to my lifelong (liveslong? they, too, are but a Story Space invention) dream of Knowing. The video took me back to that beginning, the dawning of my own real thirst for discovery of it All. I could scarcely list all of the wonderful way-showers who have appeared along my path. They are all so precious now and seen for what they truly are; my own creation for my own ultimate liberation.
      With Infinite Thanks, Bruce