The Brutally Honest Truth About Reality Creation, Manifestation And Attraction

Do you believe that your thoughts, feelings and intentions create, manifest or attract your reality?

Have you been trying for years to use that belief …

And the techniques that align with it …

To change, fix and improve your life?

Have you also been told that your subconscious mind, karma, past lives, and astrology affect what happens to you every day too?

If your answer to these questions is “Yes!” …

You will absolutely want to hear what I share in a new audio I just created to take a brutally honest look at this …

In a way I never have before …

Sharing some deeply personal experiences and stories from my own life.

To listen to the recording, click on the purple button below to stream the audio from this blog post, or right-click on the button below, save the audio file, and play it on the device of your choosing:

Love it, hate it, blew your mind (literally), whatever, I welcome your comments below.

If you received value and support from this post, please share it however you prefer to do it, with the people you really care about. They’ll thank you later!

What The Olympics Can Teach Us About Truth And Reality Creation

rio-2016Besides being emotional, fascinating, entertaining, and fun …

Is it possible The Olympics, using the Rio 2016 Olympics as an example …

Has something to teach us and show us about Truth and “Reality Creation”?

To my bias, the answer is … Yes!

Watch the video below to get my brutally honest take on it.

Please be patient a few seconds for the purple welcome screen to give way to the actual video training.

Welcome and enjoy!

To go more deeply into the topics shared above, register for my FREE “Layers Training” by clicking the link below:

Register For The Layers Training

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.

And, if you resonate with what I said, I ask you to please share this post with others, however you prefer to share!


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The Ultimate Freedom Blueprint – Step 1


Welcome to this second video in The Ultimate Freedom Blueprint series …

If you haven’t already watched the first video, you can watch it here.

In this video, I share Step 1 in The Blueprint …

“It must be your time” …

If you like what you see, hear or read, or you’re inspired and stimulated by it, please share the love.

And if you have comments of any kind, please share them below so I know how this post is rippling through your consciousness.

Welcome and enjoy!

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.