Straight Talk About Prosperity And Abundance, Prosperity Consciousness, And How To Attract Abundance

OK. Today it’s time for some straight talk about prosperity and abundance, prosperity consciousness, and how to attract abundance.

You’ll find some text here at the top and an audio recording at the bottom from my Illusions And Truth Show podcast that’ll help you go more deeply into The Truth about prosperity and abundance, prosperity consciousness, and how to attract abundance.

What do you think of when you think about prosperity and abundance?

I’m not talking about what you might say about prosperity and abundance to pass a test, appear smart or spiritual, or recycle something you’ve learned.

I’m talking about what you really believe about prosperity and abundance.

Most honest talk about prosperity and abundance centers around 3 things:

  • Having lots of money — a big surplus over your “fixed overhead”
  • Being able to spend freely on whatever, especially stuff and things (cars, clothes, first-class airfare, electronic toys, luxury items, having a big and beautiful home, multiple homes, etc.)
  • “Lots of…” in general

In fact, the dictionary definition of prosperity is “successful in material terms; flourishing financially” and the dictionary definition of abundance is “a very large quantity of something;  plentifulness of the good things of life.”

That’s Not What Prosperity And Abundance Really Are

Most definitions of prosperity and abundance are filled with fantasies that will never actually manifest.

Prosperity and abundance aren’t about money, income, net worth, stuff and things, or lots of <fill in the blank>.

Prosperity and abundance are about power. Prosperity and abundance are about a specific form of creative power being freely in motion.

When I say creative power, I’m not talking about “manifesting” or creative visualization or affirmations or the law of attraction or any of the other popular self-help and personal growth and success techniques.

I’m talking about a different form of creative power that has nothing to do with you as an individual doing anything.

 Go Deeper Into The Truth
About Prosperity And Abundance

Below is the audio recording I mentioned. It’s taken from a live radio interview I did. It’s jam-packed with content about what prosperity and abundance really are, and, most importantly, how to actually experience True prosperity and abundance on a consistent basis.

Please be sure to “Like” this post, share it, and/or tweet it if you resonate with what you see and hear.

You can subscribe and receive new episodes of The Illusions And Truth Show audio recordings automatically through iTunes by clicking on the image below:

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You can listen by clicking on the purple button below to listen here, or right-click on the button below to download the audio and listen to it on the device of your choosing:

The Illusions And Truth Show – Episode 1

I’m writing this post to let you know about a podcast I’m starting back up. A few years ago, I offered The Illusions And Truth Show as a paid subscription service, but with this re-release, it’s free as my gift.

The podcast, which will have primarily audio-based episodes, is dedicated to exposing illusions, popping myths, and revealing Truth.

It has one purpose: to support you in Knowing, Seeing, and Experiencing The Truth.

Most episodes will be short, between 5-10 minutes. But occasionally they’ll go longer.

You can subscribe and receive new episodes automatically through iTunes by clicking on the image just below:

Subscribe to Robert Scheinfeld's Illusions & Truth in iTunes

Click on the link below to listen to the episode:

Listen To The Episode