What’s The Best Way To Knock Out Cloud Cover?

In this audio episode of Friday Q&As, I answer a frequently asked question …

“What’s the best way to knock out cloud cover?”

For most people I chat with, “best” usually includes “fastest” …

But, as you’ll hear in this episode, faster is rarely “better” …

Even though it seems “Duh, obvious” that it would be!

Click the link below to listen to the audio:

Listen To the Episode

Right-click on the image below to download the transcript:

knock out cloud cover

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.

And if you do love it or receive value, please share it through whatever means you prefer.

When True Love Seems Missing From Your Life …

In this audio episode of Friday Q&As, I discuss what to do when you have a deep hunger to experience a “Truly Loving Relationship” …

But it just doesn’t seem to be happening …

And maybe you feel like giving up …

I’m doing this episode on relationship advice, love and marriage, the meaning of love, and the definition of love, in response to a question that came in from a subscriber…

Right-click on the image below to download the transcript:

relationship advice

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.

And if you do love it or receive value, please share it through whatever means you prefer.

The Big Elephant You Must See And Then Get Out Of The Room

In this episode of Friday Q&As, I address, with brutal honesty …

A GIGANTIC elephant in the room most of us pretend isn’t there …

A GIGANTIC elephant you must see …

And then get out of the room …

If you want to live the life you REALLY want.


Right-click on the link below to download the transcript:

Big Elephant

Register for the “Layers Training” I mentioned by clicking here.

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.