Can You Think Your Way Into An Experience Of Truth, Phase 3, And Ultimate Freedom?

In this episode of Friday Q&As, I answer a subscriber question …

And take a brutally honest look at the limitations of thinking, analysis, understanding, logic and intellect …

And what it REALLY takes to Experience Truth, Phase 3 and Ultimate Freedom.

Right-click on the image below to download the transcript:


Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below …

Spiritual Healing, Holistic Healing, And Is Karma Real?

Spiritual Healing, Holistic Healing, And Is Karma Real?

Hmmm …

Fascinating question …

Here’s a related question I got recently from Marie (but get often) …

“Do I have to consciously know about and resolve/heal/clear ALL my blocks, fears, stuff, patterns, wounds, karma, etc. … before I can make the leap into Phase 3 and Ultimate Freedom?”

The answer is “No!”

But there’s one caveat …

One P.S. to that …

To hear more about this topic, and discover what the caveat and P.S. are, watch the video below …

Or listen to the audio …

Or download and read the transcript …

Welcome and enjoy!

Right-click on the image below to download the transcript:


If you like what you see, hear or read, or you’re inspired and stimulated by it, please share the love.

And if you have comments of any kind, please share them below so I know how this post is rippling through your consciousness.

What Are The True Success Factors?

Success factors …

Zillions of books have been written about it …

Countless videos, audios, courses, interviews, and more talk about it …

Mastering success factors can help you live your perfect fantasy life …

Mastering success factors can help you “Have It All” …

With “Success’ and “all” usually meaning money, stuff, things, fame, and achievements …

Is that right?

What are the TRUE success factors?

What does “having it ALL” really mean?

Watch the video below to get a brutally honest and what might be a shocking look at this controversial topic.

It comes from a TV interview with Tom Brady, one of the greatest, most successful, and wealthiest football players of all time:

Hey, nothing wrong with money, stuff, things, fame and achievements …

But to live a true “fantasy” life …

To achieve True success …

And live a genuinely happy and fulfilling life …

Certain things must accompany the money, stuff, things, fame and achievements …

Certain things that are part and parcel of what Ultimate Freedom makes possible for you.

Hmmmmmm …

Something to think about …
