Do You Hunger To Live On “The Razor’s Edge”?

The video clip below is taken from a movie called The Razor’s Edge, starring Tyrone Power, which was made in 1946 and based on Somerset Maugham’s classic book.

To my bias, it captures, in a few short minutes, the feeling I call “Ultimate Freedom” …

What it’s like to have the Experience of Ultimate Freedom Awakening …

And the fact that Ultimate Freedom can be Experienced, 24×7, every day,  as you live your daily life …

No matter what you do, or what’s happening in your life or the world.

As you probably know, I use the words “True Creative Essence” and “Who You Really Are” instead of “God,” but you’ll know what’s meant when the word God is used in the clip …

And maybe that’s your preferred word.

in the clip, the Tyrone Power character is returning to his Spiritual Master and Teacher after a long and arduous journey in search of The Experience Of Truth, which was his passion and greatest hunger.

Click the play button below and prepare to be inspired and feel deeply.

I invite you to watch the clip more than once …

And maybe get the movie or read the book, as the story is fascinating.


Would you like to feel what the character above felt, to Experience Ultimate Freedom, not as a blip or temporary thing (like in the clip), but 24×7, no matter what’s going on in your life or the world?


Then I invite you to click on the link below to register to take my FREE video training here:

Get Immediate Access To The Video Training

If you like what you see, hear, or read, and you’re inspired and stimulated by it, please share the love.

And if you have comments of any kind, please share them below so I know how this post is rippling through your consciousness.


Must Spiritual Growth And Spiritual Awakening Breakthroughs Be Preceded By Craziness And Pain?

In this episode of “Friday Q&As,” I’m answering the following question that was submitted by Sydney about spiritual growth, spiritual awakening, and spiritual awakening symptoms:

“From what you have related, it appears that before any big breakthrough, something ‘crazy’ must happen i.e. from P1 to P2 and P2 to P3 – at least in your story. Doesn’t this suggest a repetitive cycle ad infinitum?”

Sydney is referring to what happened to me in my journey through the cloud cover …

In my story, where the BIG spiritual awakening Breakthroughs in my story came after a lot of craziness and pain, as it appeared when I was in the middle of it.

The keyword in her question is “must.”

Must craziness and pain be experienced?


Does The Journey tend to be perceived that way when you’re in the middle of it?


For specific reasons.

Is it a bad thing?


Do the people who take The Journey through the cloud cover, including me, wish it hadn’t happened when they come out the other end of the Experience, are playing in The Sunshine, and Experiencing Ultimate Freedom in their stories?


That’s not how I feel about it.

And that’s not how anyone else I know of who took The Journey, sees it.

Listen to the audio to discover more:

Listen To The Episode

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.

The 2 Paths Through Life Into “Simple Abundance”


From what I’ve seen on my own journey, there are 2 paths you can take through life if you’re interested in simple abundance, how to be happy, inner peace, personal or spiritual development, spiritual awakening, etc.:

  1. The Change, Fix, And Improve Path
  2. The Truth Path

In this post, I’m going to introduce the Change, Fix, And Improve Path. I’ll come back to The Truth Path in another post.

On the Change, Fix, And Improve Path, your life is dominated by goals, objectives, and wanting to produce specific results to change your life, fix what appears broken in your life, and improve your life.

The Change, Fix, And Improve Path is dominated by techniques and strategies — steps for you to take, things for you to do, things for you to practice to get what you want.

There’s a never-ending assembly line of techniques and strategies moving through the world.

And throughout history.

That claim to be able to deliver results, including simple abundance.

There’s always a “flavor of the day” that everyone is excited about and is convinced is the magic bullet they’ve always dreamed about: this manifestation technique, that manifestation technique, the law of attraction, whatever.

There are also the old standbys that have been around forever: visualization, affirmations, changing beliefs, thought and mind control, etc.

Whenever we get ahold of a technique that looks promising, we get very excited and throw ourselves into using it to get what we want.

And then REALITY sets in.

There are 2 BIG problems with the Change, Fix, And Improve Path:

  1. The techniques don’t work reliably. Never have. Never will. I seem to be one of the few people out there seeing this and being willing to be brutally honest about it.
  2. The list of things you want to change, fix and improve never ends. Never has. Never will. There’s always something else in your life that isn’t OK as it is, that would be better of it were different or gone ,or if something else showed up instead.

So, if the number of things you want to change, fix and improve never ends, and the techniques you use to try to get what you want don’t work reliably to get them, what’s the inevitable result?

You’ll end up exhausted, frustrated, and unhappy — and really “down” on self-help stuff, on all the techniques and strategies and the people who gave them to you.

Odds are , you know what I mean here because you’ve already experienced it — and/or are experiencing it now.

If you haven’t, you will.


I could write multiple books on this topic but that’s enough for today.

Next time, I’ll write about The Truth Path, which is the ONLY way out of the “rat race” explained above, the ONLY way to get what you REALLY want, the only path into simple abundance (a term I really like by the way).

Stay tuned.

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I’m on a mission to change things for people and I’d love your help.

Love to hear your thoughts and comments below too.