What Should I Do To Leap Into Phase 3 If I Can’t Afford The Online Or Live Programs You Offer?

Have you had a desire to participate in the online or live Experiences I offer …

(Or other things in your life that have nothing to do with me) …

But the money just isn’t there to do it right now?

Been there, done that, know the experience intimately …


In this episode of Friday Q&As, I answer that question from a variety of angles …

Including one that may surprise you …

Below you’ll find a video, audio, and transcript of the content so you can experience it as you prefer.

If you like what you see, hear or read, or you’re inspired and stimulated by it, please share the love.

And if you have comments of any kind, please share them below so I know how this post is rippling through your consciousness.

Welcome and enjoy!

Right-click on the image below to download the transcript:


I invite and welcome your comments below …

    New York Times bestselling author, renegade, globetrotting speaker, coach and entrepreneur. Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, please share your comments below. And, if you resonate with what I shared, please share this post with others, however you prefer to share. Thanks in advance. :)

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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