The Ultimate Key To Happiness – Part 1

I’m thrilled to announce the publication of my fifth book:

The Ultimate Key To Happiness
How To Be Happy All The Time, No Matter What’s Going On Around You

As part of the official announcement of the book,  I created a 5 segment audio and video series taken from the Introduction and first 4 chapters of the book.

The first of the 5 audio segments is available below. You can play it from here or use the download link to download it and listen on your preferred device.

The next 4 segments will follow one per day until you’ve received all 5 segments.

Enjoy, and if you like what you hear, be sure to Like it on Facebook or Tweet or Google +1 about it (see above) and/or share this post and news of the book with others you care about.

I’d appreciate the help and there’s no better gift you could give your friends and loved ones!

Click the link below to listen to the episode:

Listen To The Episode

Prosperity And Abundance, Happiness And Inner Peace, Enlightenment And Spiritual Awakening



This post about prosperity and abundance, happiness and inner peace, and enlightenment and spiritual awakening may surprise you.

Maybe not.

If you’ve spent any time on this site, you know that I tend to share content in 3 categories:

  1. Prosperity and Abundance
  2. Happiness and Inner Peace
  3. Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening

I chose to focus on those 3 categories because:

  1. Those are the 3 areas where I most wanted to experience change in my own life when I was younger
  2. Because it seems like many other people share the same desires I had

If you look at the surface of things, those 3 topics seem separate.

It seems like prosperity and abundance are one “thing,” happiness and inner peace are another “thing,” and enlightenment and spiritual awakening are yet another “thing.”

And …

It therefore seems that the paths you travel, the techniques and strategies you employ, and what you do to “get” those “things” would be different too.

If you define prosperity and abundance, happiness and inner peace, and enlightenment and spiritual awakening the way most people do, those assumptions are accurate.

enlightenmentBut there’s more to it.

As my journey took me deeper and deeper into The Truth of things, I made a discovery that really surprised me.

True Prosperity and abundance, True happiness and inner peace, and True enlightenment and spiritual awakening are …

The Same Thing!

And …

The paths, techniques, and strategies employed to “get” those “things” are ultimately the same too.

I’ve discussed how I define True Prosperity and abundance, and True happiness and inner peace in previous posts on this blog. Be sure to search for and read them if you haven’t already.

In the next few posts, and continuing later on, I’m going to share how I see True enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

Stay tuned …

Please be sure to Like this post and share it with others you feel might benefit from it — and the upcoming series it heralds.

And, I’d love your comment below so I know how this post impacts and/or resonates with you!

Cheers …


How To Be Happy All The Time – Part 3

In the previous posts in the how to be happy series, Part 1 and Part 2, I discussed what True Happiness is … what Authentic Happiness is.

I explained that True Happiness is not the absence of negative emotion and the presence of certain positive emotions.

I explained that True Happiness is Experiencing all emotions without names, descriptions and labels.

You may have understood and resonated with what I shared.

You might not have.

Or it might have seemed impossible to achieve in your day-to-day life.

You already know how to be happy all the time, you’ve experienced it many times …

Actually, you’ve experienced what I call True Happiness or Authentic Happiness — exactly as I defined it — many times already without knowing it.

Let me give you 4 examples, although you’ll find many more in your memory banks, so to speak.

how to be happyExample 1: Riding A Roller Coaster

When you ride a roller coaster (or any high-speed ride at an amusement park) — if you enjoy that sort of experience — you experience many emotions.

They whiz by very quickly. What I call The Mind Machine does NOT stop the flow to say “This is fear, this is adrenaline rush, this is excitement.”

The emotions just whiz by without labels, descriptions, or judgments.

Because the context of an amusement park ride is to have fun, The Mind Machine doesn’t intervene like it does in normal life.  That’s True Happiness!

Example 2: Reading a Great Novelhow to be happy

When you read a great novel, you experience many emotions as the story unfolds. Like riding the roller coaster, those emotions just whiz by as you turn the pages.

You’re aware of them all, but The Mind Machine doesn’t label them, describe them, or judge them.

Because the context of reading a novel is entertainment, The Mind Machine doesn’t intervene like it does in normal life.

That’s True Happiness!

Example 3: Watching a Great Movie

When you watch a great movie, you experience many emotions as the story unfolds. Like riding the roller coaster and reading the great novel, those emotions whiz by as the minutes pass.

You’re aware of them all, but The Mind Machine doesn’t label them, describe them, or judge them.

Because the context of watching a movie is entertainment, The Mind Machine doesn’t intervene like it does in normal life.  That’s True Happiness!

Example 4: If You’re A Phase 2 Player

If you’re a Phase 2 Player and have been actively applying The Teachings and using the tools, virtually every time you’ve applied The Process, you’ve experienced a moment, maybe longer, where The Mind Machine disengaged and you Experienced the pure, raw emotional energy — without labels, descriptions or judgments.

That’s True Happiness.

If you’ve been playing the Phase 2 Game a long time, you’ve therefore had the EXPERIENCE of True Happiness hundreds, maybe thousands of times without realizing it.

Have you noticed a pattern here? 

When The Mind Machine doesn’t intervene, you experience True Happiness — no matter what’s going on. It just happens … without you having to “do” anything.

When The Mind Machine does intervene, when it observes the flow of inner energy called emotion, separates out segments of the flow, labels them, describes them, and judges them as positive or negative, you’re rarely happy.

So, the key to how to be happy all the time, no matter what’s going on around you, is to have a consistent Experience in which The Mind Machine doesn’t intervene.

Easier said than done, to be sure, but do-able, day-in, day-out, 24×7.

I live that way as do many others worldwide at this point in time who’ve embraced The Teachings.

As the old saying goes, “put that in your pipe and smoke it” for a while.

Chat again soon.

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