How Can I Finally Break The Patterns That Keep Repeating In My Life?

Have you been frustrated by the same patterns that keep repeating in your life with:

  • Money
  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Body
  • Something else


Have you tried all sorts of techniques to break the patterns, and bring something new into your life, but nothing works?

Are you ready to discover The Truth about the core cause of the repeating patterns?

Would you like to know the only way I ever found to permanently break my patterns, and open the door to something new?

In the audio recording below, I share my brutally honest perspective on the answers to these questions, and other related ones.

Questions I hear all the time …

Questions I have heard all the time …

Throughout the decades I’ve been a Teacher and Coach.

Listen by clicking on the purple button below to listen here, or right-click on the button below to download the audio and listen to it on the device of your choosing::


Love it, hate it, blew your mind (literally), whatever, I welcome your comments below.

If you received value and support from this post, please share it however you prefer to do it, with the people you really care about. They’ll thank you later!

Phase 1, Phase 2, And Phase 3 Of “The Human Game”

In this audio episode of Friday Q&As …

I answer a question that has come in a lot lately …

From people new to The Teachings I share …

But also from people who know about Phase 1 and Phase 2 …

The question is: “What do you really mean when you say Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, ‘The Human Game’ (also called ‘The Human Story’) and Ultimate Freedom”?

You can listen by hitting the play button below, or by right-clicking the download button on the player below, downloading the MP3 file, and listening on the device of your choosing.


Right-click on the image below to download the transcript:

meaning of life

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.

And if you do love it or receive value, please share it through whatever means you prefer.

The Truth About Mission, Purpose And Destiny

In this audio episode of Friday Q&As …

I answer a very important and timely question I got about life purpose, mission, and destiny …

The answer includes a discussion about why clarity about The Truth of it all is so important to Know and Experience …

The answer also includes a discussion about how The Truth of it all affects the results you’re able to produce …

And about how The Truth of it all affects how you FEEL and your stress level as you’re working to produce results.

Right-click on the image below to download the transcript:

meaning of life

Love it, hate it, letting it sit, whatever, I welcome your comments below.

And if you do love it or receive value, please share it through whatever means you prefer.